If you are not using one of the 3rd party platforms we have an integration with you will need to provide a custom API for us to push prices into your system.

This is important so prices can be pushed automatically when price plans are approved. Without an API integration, you will need to download each price plan and upload price changes manually into your system.

Note that you will want to add API authorization to support pushing prices.

API Reference

To push prices, we will need an API which accepts product and price information. The product should be identified using the product’s sku_primary identifier, which is provided in the product table.

The API should accept POST requests with a list of products to push prices for. If there are a lot of products (e.g. 100s), we will probably batch the requests into batches of 50 or 100. If you want to limit the maximum number of products the API will handle in one request, feel free to do so and share the limit with us in your API documentation.

POST https://<your-company-api>.com/luca/v1/price-push

The payload body should be a list of objects of the following schema:

Payload Schema

NameRequired?TypeField DescriptionExample
sku_primaryrequiredstringThis is the product identifier. This must match the SKU used in the Product Table."sku_178"
pricerequirednumberThe product price.10.51
store_idoptionalstringThis is the store identifier to push the price to, which should match the store identifier for the product. This is required if you have multiple stores which price products differently."13523"

Response Schema

We recommend the response data to include a matching list of products indicating if the price push was successful or not for each product.

NameRequired?TypeField DescriptionExample
sku_primaryrequiredstringThis is the product identifier. This must match the SKU used in the Product Table."sku_178"
successrequiredbooleanWhether the price was pushed successfully or not.true
error_infooptionalstringOptional error information.undefined

Example Usage

Example request:

curl -X POST "https://<your-company-api>.com/luca/v1/price-push" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer <api-key>" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '[
           {"price": 10.51, "sku_primary": "10245"},
           {"price": 3.42, "sku_primary": "09861"},
           {"price": 11.91, "sku_primary": "18274"}

Which might return:

  {"sku_primary": "10245", "success": true},
  {"sku_primary": "09861", "success": true},
  {"sku_primary": "18274", "success": true}