The order line item data may be provided as an independent dataset OR as a list of objects included in each order. In either case the line item objects must adhere to the schema defined below, with one exception: If you provide the order line items as an independent dataset you must include a unique identifier for each line item.

This table should include line item details for all historical orders for products in your store. This table is connected to the orders table via order_id.

Time Period: 12 months

Why do we need this? We use this information to train our pricing models including calculating the elasticities of your products and projecting future performance. We look at orders at a line item level as well as an order level to see relationships between items within a basket and at a customer-level


Unique Constraint: line_item_id.
NameRequired FieldTypeField DescriptionExample
line_item_idoptionalstringMust be unique. Required if this data is not provided as part of the order data."12345"
sku_primaryrequiredstringThis must match the SKU used in the Product Table."sku_variant_12"
barcodeoptionalstringBarcode value"12345678905"
barcode_typeoptionalstringBarcode type - e.g asin/ upc/ gtin"gtin"
actual_price_paidrequiredfloatThis is the price paid by the customer for one unit after all discounts have been applied13.79
list_pricerequiredfloatThis is the price the product was listed at before discounts15
item_discountoptionalfloatThe discount applied to the sku. This should not include order-level discounts already included in the Order table.1.21
costrequiredfloatThe unit cost to be used when calculating revenue and profit in the dashboard and when modeling.7.10
order_idrequiredstringThis must match the ID in Order Table12
purchase_currencyrequiredstringe.g “USD”"usd"
miscoptionaljsonAny fields that we should know about, but aren’t in our schema?