Data Tables
Order Table
This table should include records of historical orders for all products in your store. Each row corresponds to one order.
Time Period: 12 months
Why do we need this? We use this information to train our pricing models including calculating the elasticities of your products and projecting future performance. We look at orders at a line item level as well as an order level to see relationships between items within a basket and at a customer-level
Unique Constraint:
.Name | Required? | Type | Field Description | Example |
Identifiers | ||||
order_id | Required | string | Must be unique. Id of the larger order. This should be the same for all line items in an order. | "12345" |
datetime_of_purchase | Required | datetime | Datetime when the purchase was made. | 2023-01-01 0:00:00 |
Line Items | ||||
line_items | optional | order_line_item[] | Optional array of order line item objects. You must include order line items here if you are not providing them separately. | [] |
Details | ||||
customer_id | Required | string | Id of the customer making the purchase. We use this for calculating active users and measuring new user growth. Ideally, a customer always has the same customer id. | 12 |
is_member | Optional | boolean | Is the customer a member/ subscriber? | false |
datetime_fulfilled | Optional | datetime | Datetime when the purchase was fulfilled. | 2023-01-03 0:00:00 |
country_of_purchase | Required | string | Country where purchase was made. | "United States of America" |
store_id | Optional | string | Id for the store where the purchase was made - brick and mortar store id, ecomm region, etc. | loc_1 |
misc | Optional | json | Any fields that we should know about but aren’t in our schema? | |
Financials | ||||
tax | Required | float | 3.72 | |
fee | Optional | float | 1.99 | |
delivery_fee | Optional | float | Delivery fee, if applicable | |
tip | Optional | float | Tip for service | |
total_fees | Required | float | This should be the sum of all fees. If there are no fees, it should be 0. | 1.99 |
total_order_level_discount | Required | float | These are discounts at the basket level and should not include item-specific discounts | 0 |
total_amount_paid | Required | float | Final price paid net of taxes and fees | 14.11 |